Hi, I'm Luis
Also known as Lutefd, a software engineer from Brazil. I'm
currently working at
Sensedia as a full-stack developer. I mainly work with Typescript, Golang and a number of frontend frameworks, as well
as some DevOps tools.
Latest projects I've been working on
Authkit LuciaAuth system with TOTP, Email 2FA, role-based access control and other features using Lucia as the base lib Ai RouterFlexible and scalable solution for routing AI requests to multiple providers, such as OpenAI and Anthropic. PortgenA Go command-line tool to generate random unused ports, for when you're tired of finding ports manually. Currency ConverterGo-based service with real-time rates, user auth, and caching. Features PostgreSQL, Redis, and Docker. Ideal for currency services or as a Go api reference. Redis ServerA redis custom redis server built to facilitate testing and spinning up temporary redis instances from scratch Rss AgregatorA Go RSS Aggregator that fetches feeds from multiple sources and aggregates them into a single feed A thoughtful approach to software development that can help you build better software faster. From connection limits, real cost, cold starts, and more, we'll explore the challenges of serverless and how I've faced them in my projects. How I migrated Sensedia's Developer Portal Product from Drupal to Next.js