My work

While exploring the world of software development, design, and other things. I've found my passion in creating software that people love to use. Here is the rundown of my work until now.
You can check more about each project by reading their respective blog posts.


Software engineer

Flyon is a marketing startup that helps companies to create and manage their marketing campaigns. I joined the team in 2022 to help them build their platform and their customers applications. I experimented with a variety of technologies, tools and processes, hopping between the frontend and backend, and even dipping my toes into the world of DevOps.

On the frontend I was responsible for the migration from a legacy php application to a modern Nextjs application. As well as introduced Astro for the landing pages and marketing pages. I dealt with a lot of performance issues and was able to improve the overall performance of the applications.

Throughout my time at Flyon, I was also responsible for managing the infrastructure of the applications. I was able to improve the overall delivery experience by introducing a new CI/CD pipeline and a new infrastructure using Terraform and AWS. Also managed a migration from Hostgator to Cloudflare and AWS.